Men's Ministry

Fellowship of the Puritans

Join us on Thursdays at 7:00am as we read through classic writings by the Puritans! Joyless. Severe. Fanatical. "Haunted by the fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy." That's the Puritan reputation. However, when you read the Puritans, you will actually discover quite the opposite. You will find men who love God zealously, seeking to conform all their lives to Christ. You will find a joyful tone as they write, helping others discover the triune God's warmth. We are currently reading The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture by Thomas Vincent.

From the publisher (Banner of Truth):
"In the opinion of B.B. Warfield, the Westminster divines left to posterity not only ‘the most thoroughly thought out statement ever penned of the elements of evangelical religion,’ but also one which breathes ‘the finest fragrance of spiritual religion.’ Their most influential work, the Shorter Catechism, was intended as a teaching basis for an introduction to the Christian faith. No London pastor made more effective use of it than Thomas Vincent (1634–1678), and when his ‘explanation’(The Shorter Catechism Explained from Scripture) was first published in 1674, John Owen, Thomas Watson along with 38 other signatories to the Preface, declared their belief that it would ‘be greatly useful to all Christians in general.’"

Men's Bible Study

Join us on Saturday mornings at 7:30am as we study Esther and Ruth at the Ridge! 

The Old Testament narratives of Esther and Ruth feature women and men who act boldly and ultimately receive God’s blessing. So does God help those who help themselves? Actually, he helps those who don’t deserve it! See how our gracious God rescues his own and prepares them for Christ’s coming.

The Reformed Expository Bible Study is designed for personal and group use. Each lesson connects to the rest of the Bible and holds to the same standards as the Reformed Expository Commentary series: a high view of Scripture; a Christ-centered focus; a Reformed theological basis; and an emphasis on personal application and prayer.